

What is the Time Machine For Peace?

The Time Machine for Peace Social Invention Program is a unique initiative aimed at fostering global peace through innovative social and technological means. Let’s break down each term to understand its significance:

  • Time Machine: This term is used metaphorically. It represents a system or mechanism designed to help us navigate through time, not by physically traveling, but by methodically working towards a better future, getting back to better pasts, or simply sustaining better presents. The idea is to create a structured approach to achieving peace, much like how a time machine would allow us to explore different eras. ‘Time’ is also to emphasize the root of our peace problems. All problems boil down to the scarcity and irreversibility of time.

  • For Peace: The ultimate goal of this program is peace. This isn’t just the absence of conflict but a proactive, ongoing process of creating and maintaining harmonious relationships at all scope: individual, local, and global.

  • Social Invention: This refers to the creation of new social systems, structures, and physical / process technologies. While traditional inventions focus solely on physical objects, social inventions additionally aim to transform how societies function. In this context, it involves developing new ways to foster cooperation among people by treating peace as an inventive process that never ends.

  • Program: This indicates that the initiative is organized and systematic. It involves a series of planned activities and projects aimed at achieving its goals. The first such, is the charter to invent world piece computers and networking them into a singular distributed system (a supercomputer for navigating the ’time machine’).

Thus, the Time Machine for Peace Social Invention Program first aims to build a computational global peace system. This system is centered about the concept of the universal piece computer, a supercomputer that integrates the various world piece computers. Here’s a breakdown of these key components:

  • world piece computer: This is a specialized stuff-computer designed to help individuals and communities process and manage the various “pieces” of their world. A “piece” can be any unit of information, from physical objects to abstract concepts. By organizing and optimizing these pieces, the world piece computer helps create a more harmonious and efficient environment. This is ultimately by maintaining “peace” as a continuous computational process, not a product.

  • universal piece computer: When multiple world piece computers are networked together, they form the universal piece computer. This supercomputer serves as a distributed singular infrastructure for processing and integrating information from all connected world piece computers. Its purpose is to facilitate global cooperation and understanding, ultimately leading to a more peaceful world.

  • The Human Imperative: This is the guiding principle behind the program. It emphasizes the need to maintain the universal piece (the singular global piece optimization process) by operating world piece computers. In other words, it’s about ensuring that the system functions smoothly and effectively to promote peace. The preamble of The Human Imperative asserts provisions for launching, establishing, and maintaining the Time Machine For Peace Social Invention Program. Adopting and ratifying The Human Imperative is how a person or community initializes their own world piece computer for process operation.

The program is inspired by historical examples of collaborative innovation, such as the development of the modern electronic computers and the internet. It envisions a future where peace is treated as a dynamic process, constantly evolving and improving through the collective invention efforts of individuals and communities.

To get involved, one might contribute to the development of world piece computers, participate in collaborative projects, or simply support the initiative through advocacy and awareness. The ultimate aim is to create a culture and spirit of explicit peace that transcends traditional boundaries and fosters a more harmonious world.

To better understand the spirit of involvement, “the economic peace thesis” and “the grandest experiment” are two additional key aspects of the time machine for peace social invention program, aiming to demonstrate that framing actions in terms of peace and world piece computers leads to greater success and prosperity:

  • The Economic Peace Thesis: This thesis posits that peace as an explicit computational process is inherently more profitable than conflict because it liberates the “resource trifecta” of time, energy, and people for useful and creative endeavors. In the context of the time machine for peace, this thesis underpins the rationale for developing the universal piece computer. By systematically processing and integrating the world piece computers, the universal piece computer aims to create a computational global peace system that maximizes the benefits of peace, driving humanity towards a more prosperous and harmonious future. This approach not only addresses the economic aspects but also aligns with the broader goal of achieving and maintaining global peace.

  • The Grandest Experiment: This is a test of the economic peace thesis, which posits that those who frame their actions explicitly in terms of peace and world piece computers will be more successful and prosperous. The experiment involves creating parallel versions of existing activities, but framed in the explicit terms of peace process per the lingua franca or common language. For instance, in physics, efforts would be directed towards treating peace as a process for solving outstanding unsolved problems in the field, predicting that peace-physicists will be more productive than their traditional counterparts. If successful, this experiment will provide direct evidence of the economic incentives to pursue global peace in this form, participants acting as world piece computer operators and instances of The Individual, while others continue their usual activities.

By understanding and engaging with the Time Machine for Peace Social Invention Program, we can all play a part in building a better future. Whether through technological innovation, social collaboration, or personal commitment, every effort contributes to the overarching goal of computational global peace.